International New Year’s DA Marathon

Zoom Online Meeting

January is International Outreach Month! To celebrate, join Debtors Anonymous members all over the world for a Marathon Meeting of experience, strength and hope. The Marathon Meeting takes place on January 14, 2023. There will be live Zoom meetings in every time zone worldwide, starting with the first meeting at noon in New Zealand (UTC …

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Doing Numbers the DA Way

Zoom Online Meeting

Saturday, APRIL 29th, 2023 NOTE TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT (3 hour workshop) REGISTER HERE: FLYER: Suggested Donation: $12 Scholarships are available. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds.


Real Estate Investments the DA Way

Zoom Online Meeting

Saturday, MAY 6th, 2023 NOTE TIME: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PDT (90 minute workshop) REGISTER HERE: FLYER: TBA Suggested Donation: $12 Scholarships available. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds. PLEASE NOTE: This is specifically for DA/BDA Fellows who are interested in real estate INVESTMENTS for INCOME PURPOSES ONLY. …

Real Estate Investments the DA Way Read More »


Develop Your Spending Plan The DA Way

Zoom Online Meeting

Saturday, May 20th, 2023 NOTE TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT (3 hour workshop) REGISTER HERE: FLYER: Suggested Donation: $12 Scholarships are available. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds.
